
today's inspiraton: Schall Eszter

Schall Eszter manuális és digitális grafikával és ékszerkészítéssel foglalkozik. Illusztrációi, festményei csodás világokba kalauzolnak el minket, ez alkalommal azonban különleges üvegékszereit szeretném megmutatni nektek, amik főként a magyar népi motívumok ihletésében készültek. Eszternek saját blogja is van, illetve a Meskán és a WAMP vásárokon is találkozhattok vele.

Schall Eszter is a Hungarian graphic designer and jewelry maker who prepares beautiful fabulous illsutrations. This time i would like to show you some of her jewelry, made from glass and using Hungarian folk motifs. You can buy them in Eszter's online shop and you can meet her at Wamp fairs too.

Gyűrűk/ rings

 Nyakláncok/ necklaces


Fülbevalók/ earrings:


today's inspiration: Earth Hour

Turning off your lights at 8.30PM 

And a creative video for Earth Hour 2011

image via this is glamorous


feelings of life


pictures via: 1,2 -sumerrain tumblr; 3 - little lost love; 4 - this is glamorous


today's inspiration: studio

Oh, I want this opened and rustic space to creat! I show you the studio of Poppies & Posies based in NYC, they are a floral and event-design firm. This creative space fits very well for them. Softly, girly, glamorous details (:
via Design Sponge


today's inspiration: the floor

Beautiful dresses and wonderful photos from High for the  2011 summer-spring colletion. 
Enjoy this world (:
 via Larinne


Barbara Garcia for Glamour Russia 2011 march
via oh fashion models

be you. be loved.

BHLDN a brand new wedding shop in Philadelphia from Anthropologie. How cute are these dresses? Modern, atypical, made with love for keep.